The Show Must Go On(line)
Bach, the Universe and Everything Online
We’ve moved our popular science and music series to YouTube.
Hear about the Importance of Human Contact and discover the Science of Laugher alongside some truly breathtaking Bach Cantatas on our YouTube channel here
Discover our Period Instruments
At the OAE, we play on the kind of instruments that the composers would have known and written for. Click here to view a complete gallery of our popular YouTube series, focusing on our unique baroque instruments and find out how they differ from their modern cousins.
Help us reach 100K subscribers on YouTube
Did you know that the OAE has a YouTube channel full of quirky, nerdy videos about historically informed performance?
Find out about our ambitious campaign to reach 100K Subscribers here and please hit the red ‘YouTube’ button below to help us reach our goal before September!
Musicians On Call
For many years, we have been running a programme called ‘Musicians on Call’ in care homes, hospices and day care centres. For the first 12 weeks of lockdown, we presented a weekly online version of this lively programme here on our website. Each episode is about 30 minutes long and includes tours of musicians’ homes, games and sing-along participation.
OAE Illustrated Theory of Music
We are busy working on a potted, and downright potty summary of everything you ever wanted to know about music. View the Illustrated Theory of Music on our YouTube channel here
Keep your youngest music lovers captivated with OAE TOTS online, this video introduces children aged 2-5 to the magic of the double bass. The 30-minute video is interactive, with lots of action, songs and activity for your tots to enjoy. Watch it on YouTube here
Support the Orchestra
Click here to find out all the ways you can support us during the pandemic outbreak.