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The Night Shift at The Old Queen’s Head

Who lives, who dies, who tells your story? The Night Shift does a little bit of reappraising history.
Islington, The Old Queen's Head £13 suggested price - or 'pay what you choose' (from £7 minimum) Book Now

An evening of glistering 17th Century gems awaits. Our two sets will feature trio sonatas performed by a quartet* led by Kati Debretzeni – with Huw Daniel (violins), Jonathan Manson (cello) and Sergio Bucheli (theorbo) – from a pantheon of neglected doyens of instrumental music in the decades before JS Bach.

Dietrich Buxtehude (1637 – 1707) was one of the most respected musicians of his time – the reason for Bach’s famous 250 mile walk in 1705 – whilst Johann Meister (1630s – 1697)  had a colourful career in various German courts and church jobs (as well as a stay in prison for defending workers’ rights). Elisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre (1665 – 1729) was nurtured by Louis XIV, the ‘Sun King’ himself, before going on to become one of Paris’ most highly venerated musical figures. Yet the history of music tends to overlook these once central characters.

Bring your best singing voice too. Previous Night Shifters will know that Kati is a whizz at unearthing the popular songs of the time to get you in the mood for a hearty round.

*yes, we know, trios for four instruments… but there’s a good explanation.


The Night Shift is our series of informal chamber music gigs – literally music for smaller rooms, in the home or other places where people socialise.  They’re a chance to hear the members of the OAE playing music that they’re passionate about and bringing in a wide range of musical influences. So come along, grab a drink with friends (or meet some new ones) and enjoy the music.

There are two ticket price choices for The Night Shift. Our suggested price is £13 or you can ‘pay what you choose’ by entering your own amount (with a £7 minimum up to as much as you like!).