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Minor Miracles in the Age of Reason

Digital, OAE Player £7 - Rent Movie


Minor Miracles in the Age of Reason

Watch the trailer

Watch the whole film for £7 or included with an Annual Pass. (What’s this?)

MOZART Piano Concerto No. 23
Symphony in C minor
MOZART Symphony 42 in F major

This digital performance begins with Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 23 played by one of the leading exponents of the fortepiano and our Principal Keyboard, Steven Devine.

Born in the same year of 1756, Joseph Kraus is often referred to as “the Swedish Mozart” and yet it is a rare treat to hear the composers’ music played side by side.

Watch just MOZART Symphony 42 in F major for £4


Watch just MOZART Piano Concerto No. 23 for £4


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With thanks to our supporters