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Meet the Band – Creating a Virtual BUE

Zoom Donations welcome -

Please join us for an evening of musical discussion with OAE Players via Zoom Webinar. They will give us an insight into their experiences with the OAE and there will be the opportunity to ask questions throughout.

You will by now be familiar with images such as the one above, as we have moved our music-making online with players recording themselves from their homes. But have you been wondering how these online performances are put together?

In this special session of Meet the Band, OAE Leader Maggie Faultless and Digital Content Officer Zen Grisdale will be discussing the process behind the OAE’s online performances, the unusual experience of recording chamber music alone, and the fascinating ways in which performing online can inform live music-making, illustrated with behind-the-scenes footage. The conversation will focus on the OAE’s online Bach, the Universe & Everything (BUE) performances, which are available to watch on YouTube.

If you would like to donate, please follow this link.

Thursday 11th June, 6pm-7pm on Zoom

RSVP to Kiki Betts-Dean
[email protected]