Embers of Romanticism
Embers of Romanticism
WEBERN Passacaglia
WAGNER Prelude and Liebestod from Tristan and Isolde
PFITZNER Act 2 Vorspiel from Palestrina
STRAUSS Salome (excerpt)
WAGNER Act 3 Vorspiel from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
Geoffrey Paterson conductor
Filmed in the beautiful Henry Wood Hall in Trinity Church Square and directed by Geoffrey Paterson, we explore the tumultuous and fervid nature of romance through brand new arrangements of Wagner’s iconic Prelude and Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde as well as other works from Richard Strauss, Webern and Pfitzner. The pieces were chosen for their association with Thomas Mann’s novel ‘Doctor Faustus’. Read our blog about the connection between the music here.
Watch the whole programme for £7
or watch just Tristan und Isolde for £4