Bach, the Universe and Everything: Infant Musicality
BWV 62 Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Now come, Savior of the Heathens)
“Wondrous birth! O wondrous Child” This Advent Cantata is a joyful celebration of the birth of Jesus, the miracle child.
The Bach buffs among us may recognise elements of this festive cantata as it has been suggested that this piece was a sketch for the aria “Großer Herr und starker König” from Bach’s Christmas Oratorio.
Research on the sounds that caregivers exchange with infants has profound implications for the way we understand classical music; how we sing and play these scores and how music moves us. In this talk, Professor Daniel Leech-Wilkinson of King’s College London invites us to consider how we can use musical performance to empathise with others.