Bach, the Universe and Everything: In Praise of Peptides
In today's Bach, the Universe and Everything event, Dr Louise Walport enlightens us on how peptides are helping us in the battle to develop new medicines against difficult disease targets.
Sun 31 Oct 2021 | 12am
Kings Place
- £17.50
BWV 192 Nun danket alle Gott (Now thank ye all our God)
We are grateful to return to Kings Place for another season of Bach, the Universe and Everything and so we begin with a cantata about giving thanks. Today’s performance also marks 504 years to the day that Martin Luther began the reformation by nailing his theses to the church door, so we can thank him that we’re singing in German this morning and not Latin.
Continuing on the theme of gratitude, Dr Louise Walport enlightens us on how peptides are helping us in the battle to develop new medicines against difficult disease targets.